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Public Blogs and Forum Discussions

Conversations online in comment sections and forums such as Reddit need to be contextualized and considered within the platform itself and the primary users and culture of the platform. However, we believe it can be a place to observe everyday discussions and understand perspectives. The following blogs and forums provide interesting rhetoric on the topic in response to some of the publicity that we have received.

Some of the articles linked in the Publicity section have comment sections, notably The Conversation and the ESE Magazine have received a few discussions points.

Reddit thread, December 2020, "Engineers Canada joins others in calling for changes to Iron Ring Ceremony | Engineers Canada"

Reddit thread, December 2020, "Canadian engineers call for change to their private ‘iron ring’ ceremony steeped in colonialism. What do thing about it?"

Eng-Tips thread, January 2023, Canadian Iron Ring Ceremony Under Review

2006 blog post from a then-engineering student considering whether or not to participate in the Ritual

Reddit thread, December 2018, Canadian iron ring – does anyone really care if I don’t have it?

Blog reflection, March 2017

We are an informal group of volunteers.

We are not affiliated with the Seven Wardens,

Engineers Canada, or any other institution.

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