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Work generated by Retool the Ritual Group

The initial work was started by a grassroots conversation that started at the CEEA-ACEG (Canadian Engineering Education Association – Association Canadienne de l’Educaiton en Genie). This speech was made during the closing keynote of CEEA-ACEG. Watch to the end of the video to see all members in attendance stand up in support.

Our statement to the Seven Wardens was published on September 8, 2022. It received over 500 signatures of support as well as generating discussions for people, within groups and at institutions. Engineers Canada and Engineering Deans Canada are amongst the groups who produced statements of support for change.

Retool the Ring Website

Welcome! The goal of creating this website is to continue educating, and providing a landing page for a collection of resources and information that we have gathered.

*As of February 10, 2023 we have closed the statement for signatures of support. We are encouraged the Corporation of Seven Wardens have acknowledged the need for change in their own statement. We aim to work moving forward to ensure this change process is transparent and inclusive. The statement linked above is a reflection of where we started, and although a lot has changed since then, we still stand by everything in our statement. If you're looking for ways to how your support, please see our Engage with Us page.

Who we've spoken to

Individually, we have continued spreading this conversation through speaking with our colleagues, our leaders, and our students. From agenda items with the Dean on Engineering Faculty Councils, to presentations in third-year engineering courses, we aim to continue educating. 

As the group Retool the Ring, we have reached out to organisations for support and open discussion including Engineers Canada and most provincial regulatory bodies. Some of these organisations have signed our statement, others have sent us letters of support in our initiative.

We have also been in contact with Wardens, including the Ritual Review Committee that was created in February 2022 to evaluate the Iron Ring ceremony and determine a path forward. 

What’s coming next

As a grassroots group, we often follow emergent change approaches. We put our energy where there is capacity and drive from our members and see what emerges. Currently, we are working on a public blog post targeted to professional engineers, a few academic publications, and considering more avenues to continue educating.

If you're interested in engaging please see here for ideas!

We are an informal group of volunteers.

We are not affiliated with the Seven Wardens,

Engineers Canada, or any other institution.

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