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Check our newly published academic paper on the iron ring ritual.


Do you value the powerful symbolism of the Iron Ring and all that it means to the Canadian Engineering Profession? We do too.


We are a nation wide, informal, volunteer group.

Our goal is to inform, engage, and connect.


We are advocating for the thoughtful and

transparent development of a

retooled graduation ritual that preserves

and strengthens the iron ring.


We envision a graduation ceremony that aligns with the evolution of present day ethical perspectives as a profession and a society.

We're glad you're here.

More on Our Group

How our group formed and what our goals are

Find links to our publicly released statements and information on what we're up to currently

Read stories that others have sent us about their Iron Ring Ritual experiences

One last thing...a special note to this year's graduates:


You should be proud of your accomplishments.
We encourage you to make your own decision about taking part in the Iron Ring Ceremony.
Whether you participate or not, we support you and hope you’ll join the conversation.

Consider reading the obligation you will be asked to recite in advance of the ceremony, and ensure you are comfortable with all elements of it. Your local camp can provide you with the version they plan on using, however a version of it can be found here (starting on slide 21). Regardless if you decide to attend the ceremony or not, remember to be proud of your accomplishments!

We are an informal group of volunteers.

We are not affiliated with the Seven Wardens,

Engineers Canada, or any other institution.

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